Remote problem solving how to save crisis business

Remote Problem Solving

Current circumstances require new solutions from entrepreneurs. Under quarantine, many entrepreneurs are faced with the problem of the lack of direct communication between employees and customers. It is good that modern technologies allow us to solve many problems at a distance. Consider the most popular tools that allow you to manage employees remotely.

Дистанционное решение проблем
  • Messengers, programs for online conferences. You can transfer working information, files, and set daily tasks in the most common instant messengers - a telegram or a phone call. It’s enough to create a private chat, and all team members will receive the necessary information. If you need “live” communication, use the Zoom service. This program can be installed on a smartphone or PC. and hold an online conference in real time involving up to 100 people.

  • CRM-система. Наиболее эффективное программное обеспечение для автоматизации бизнес-процессов и удаленной работы. В качестве примера рассмотрим систему Битрикс 24. Софт позволяет вести учет клиентов, планировать встречи, задачи, определять источники лидов. По каждой из задач руководитель может получать аналитику затраченных ресурсов и времени.

  • Data storage. Documentation and various media files necessary for work can be saved on Yandex Disk or dropbox. Such tools allow you to structure the content for easy search.

The above tools help you manage your business from a distance and solve tasks such as staff training, transfer of service information and staff training. You can also save time controlling subordinates. and automate some tasks.

The global pandemic has dealt a powerful blow to small and medium-sized businesses.

However, businessmen belong to the category of people who are accustomed to difficulties and make every effort to overcome obstacles.

The first thing that should be realized in the current situation is that today's crisis is not the last, and to such financial and economic force majeure must be prepared in advance. If you’re just about to become an entrepreneur, then during quarantine it’s better to postpone your plans for the future. And existing businessmen need to adapt to crisis situations. How to do this, we will consider in detail in this review.

The crisis forces many to reconsider the company’s strategy and change their usual behavior in order to subsequently implement new ideas. To protect yourself from losses and bankruptcy, you must adhere to the following anti-crisis rules:

  • 1

    Reduce costs to a minimum mark. For example, give up expensive marketing research, rent a cheaper office or refuse from repair. Also study the supplier market and try to find better prices. Today, many companies are trying to be as loyal to their customers as possible. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity.

    It is also necessary to carry out staff optimization. Some employees can be fired, instead, use outsourcing services or a CRM system

  • 2

    Clean up your finances. When you conduct a detailed audit and allocate funds, the temptation to spend money on excesses is minimized. The first thing you need to get rid of loans, especially from foreign currency. If you can not do without a loan, look for banks that give loans for small loans. If it’s good to study offers from financial institutions, then you can find decent options, even in times of crisis

  • 3

    Pay attention to debtors. It is necessary to leave only financially wealthy and get rid of those who delay paymentsIf your partners are not able to pay debts at normal times, then in a crisis, the situation will become even worse.

  • 4

    Refuse to import. If your business is connected with the supply of goods from abroad, try to find similar offers from domestic manufacturers. If this is not possible, then insure the currency risks using forward foreign exchange contracts. They fix the exchange rate on the day the contract is concluded and buy it at a later date. Thus, if the rate drops, it will protect against financial losses.

  • 5

    Engage in reporting. Reporting documentation should be made transparent, and the formation of documents operational. This will give certain advantages. when communicating with investors and partners, and will also improve relations with supervisors.

  • 6

    Learn how to look for money in emergency situations. If the situation is the worst, then you will need money. Think in advance where to get them. For example, you can sell vehicles, mortgage property, rent premises, mortgage property, or use other assets. Any of the above methods can pay off debts and stay afloat.

  • 7

    Analyze the strategy. You need to determine what position you take. in the market to understand what aspects should be changed in the future. The best option would be if your company does not have a lot of dependence from credit risks.

Pay attention to tenders and public procurements held by large companies. Such an analysis will help find new partners or draw useful ideas. Remember that it is at the time of the crisis that many companies start making big money. For example, during the Great Depression, the government decided to build autobahns. Thus, construction companies made a profit, and officials provided thousands of jobs to their citizens.

  • 8

    Improve your sales system. It’s necessary not only to improve marketing, but also to develop a system of employee rewards. Do not forget about the possibilities of advertising and PR on the Internet. Implement a loyalty system.

  • 9

    Restructuring. Almost any company can reprofile your type of activity. For example, a sewing studio can do her fix. Indeed, in a crisis, people tend to save. If not many allow themselves to buy new clothes, then repair will be in demand.

  • 10

    Maintain good relationships with lenders and partners. Do not hide your difficulties from your partners or the bank. Together, you can find a way out of any situation, and hiding certain facts only aggravate your situation.

In a difficult and difficult period, it is important to always be aware: whatever the situation is, good or bad, it will pass. It is important to be prepared for the crisis morally and materially. Then your business will not only not suffer losses, but also can rapidly gain momentum.

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