A properly formed team led by a leader will be the key to the success of any business. But in order to create a team, it is necessary to determine what it is and to know the basic principles of its creation
There are several signs that define and distinguish a team from a group of people:
Up to 20 people can be present
Team members must be aware of their goals and objectives
There must be a single leader managing the team
There must be a positive relationship between participants
When forming a team, you must adhere to the following rules:
Leader choice. The success of the team depends on the personal qualities of the leader, since it directly affects the relationship between its participants. It is necessary to pay attention to several aspects.
First, who will be in charge of choosing a leader? Business partners, shareholders, board of directors. This is a very important point, because the decision is made by several people, and the chosen leader may be convenient, but not competent.
Secondly, you should pay attention to the business development phase: startup, access to new markets, crisis.
Thirdly, it is necessary to determine with high accuracy what qualities a future leader should possess.
If you do not take into account the characteristics of the leader, the team will be formed not for corporate purposes, but for the leader himself
Set strategic goals for the team
To structure a team. To accomplish the tasks set, it is necessary to divide the members into separate units that will achieve the goal in certain areas
Balance psychological roles in team structure. Under the psychological roles understand several points. This is the result and the relationship between team members. If conflicts arise, team members must be able to solve them quickly and not be distracted by emotions. Organization must also be present so that business processes are consistent. And finally, qualities like pragmatism and innovation are needed. New approaches in business and straightforwardness will overcome any difficulties
Leader tools that are used to select people for a team. Techniques such as unstructured interviews and interviews are ineffective. More effective ways are considered personal questionnaires, simulations and business cases. Key motivators are also recommended. which will allow for a more thorough verification of the identity of the candidate. Based on the work done, the leader will be able to constructively evaluate the personality characteristics of the applicant. This will allow for powerful analytics and a team management strategy.
Team building is an important and painstaking process. This is an immense topic that opens up all new aspects. For effective work of a group of professionals, you can use the following tips:
Create a network of teams. The essence of the method is that it is necessary to unite in a separate unit a group of specialists who are connected by professional experience. Fascinated by one idea and having high competence, such a cluster will be able to perform complex tasks. But it should be understood that each such team will differ in its own individuality, and it is necessary to manage such a team in different ways.
Invite people from the side. Sociological and marketing studies have shown that the emergence of a new person in the team changes the corporate environment. Such a step is necessary in cases where the solution to the problem has reached an impasse. New specialists will make you look at the task in a new way
Establish rules and regulations. Discipline is the key to order and coherence in team work. When forming corporate charters, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each team member. If you carefully approach this issue, then the affairs of your business will go uphill.
Feedback. A leader should always be in communication with the team. It’s necessary not only to apply directive management methods but also provide support in various situations
Having determined the tactical and strategic goals of the team, its members will achieve maximum efficiency and will cope with the most difficult tasks. Therefore, the stage of team building It is very important, and you should not neglect the principles and rules of creating a highly qualified team.